Cooking in the Dryer: A Stupid Idea or Genius Hack?

It’s not uncommon for people to get creative in the kitchen, experimenting with different cooking methods and appliances. But what about using a clothes dryer to cook food? This idea, while seemingly absurd, has been a topic of discussion ever since it was featured in an episode of the popular TV show “That 70s Show”. So, is cooking in the dryer a stupid idea or a genius hack? Let’s delve into this topic and find out.

Can You Cook Food in a Dryer?

Technically, yes, you can cook food in a dryer. The heat produced by a dryer can, in theory, be used to heat food. However, it’s important to note that dryers are not designed for cooking. They lack the precise temperature control necessary for safe and effective cooking. Moreover, the tumbling action of a dryer could easily damage or spill food, creating a mess and potentially damaging the appliance.

Is It Safe to Cook Food in a Dryer?

No, it is not safe to cook food in a dryer. Dryers are not designed to handle food or cooking. They do not have the necessary safety features to prevent foodborne illnesses, such as the ability to reach and maintain a safe cooking temperature. Furthermore, cooking in a dryer could lead to food contamination, as dryers are not designed to be easily cleaned and sanitized like kitchen appliances. There’s also the risk of fire if food spills or splatters onto the dryer’s heating element.

What Are the Potential Consequences?

  • Damage to the dryer: Food can get stuck in the dryer’s drum or vent, causing damage. Grease or oil from the food can also stain the inside of the dryer.

  • Fire hazard: If food spills or splatters onto the dryer’s heating element, it could potentially start a fire.

  • Foodborne illness: Without the ability to reach and maintain a safe cooking temperature, there’s a risk of foodborne illness from undercooked food.

  • Waste of energy: Dryers are not energy-efficient appliances for cooking. It would take a significantly longer time to cook food in a dryer than in a conventional oven or microwave, leading to unnecessary energy consumption.


While it might be technically possible to cook food in a dryer, it’s neither safe nor practical. Dryers are not designed for cooking and lack the necessary safety features to prevent foodborne illnesses. Moreover, cooking in a dryer could lead to food contamination, damage to the appliance, and even fire. So, while it might make for an interesting conversation topic, cooking in a dryer is more of a stupid idea than a genius hack.